Saturday, February 28, 2009


its been wild. lepas aku broke up, aku bosan memanjang. disebabkan itu, aku layan my ex for the past few days. oke, i did try to forget him, its not dat i dun want him anymore, but comeon,ifpeople shows no sign of interest in us why would we thnk about evntho, im still hoping. soo lets start.

past few days, aku text ex aku. Nazim, muka mcm cina ;) my mum lyk him, so do me. haha. oke now, text pny text. aku tny dia, dh bpe lama cpl dgn cyrrent gf dia. dia cakap dh 9 bulan. i was lyk 'wahhh! lamathu ;D' and thn, diacakap, tkde lahh lama mana. dia ada bgtau, yg dia neh ada gf, tp, mcm tkde gf. sbb, gf dia tak layan dia sangat. i was lyk, 'my god, samaje mcm i kena. but now, i dh break. malas nak mnanggung rasa sedih dan sakit', dia gelak and then dia cakap, 'mmg sakit hati poon kan?' and i said, 'yeahh'. fyi, atiq told me dat his gf mukamcm aku.i asked him, and he said 'ha,a', aku replied, 'okee. weird. dah tkde muka lain?', dia gelakk je. lepas thu, diangadu dkt aku. tournament bola sama dgn brthday dia. 6/4. bola baling punya tarikh jugak. haishh. kesian gila dkt dia. dh lahh dia beli boot berjam2 lamanya. dr pkl 4 smpi pkl 9.ntah ape dia buat poon aku tatau. dia jahit kasut thu koot ;D disebabkan dia tak tegur aku dkt skolah, aku pggl dia sombong. dia denying ' mana ada ahh! u yg sombong. u bukan nak tegur i poon dkt skolah'. so, hes expecting me to tegur him first. wtv ;D

yesterday, ktorh mesej lagi ;) and shocking news. dia minx couple.i was lu=yk, 'huh?'. 'yelaaa, couple jum', thu yg dia cakap. 'gf u?', 'gf i? biar lahh', 'wahh, jdik gf no 2 lahh neh?byk cantik(bodoh sikit aku tym neh)', bkann lahh. u nak tak?', 'ahaa. lain cter ahh. mslhny skrg, u ada gf. and i stll tk bole get over ex i -__-', 'ouhh, klu u dh get over ex u?', 'mybe', 'i tggu den ;)'. ahaha. comel gilaa. dia poon oke dgn idea thu, aku poon oke ;) hmm, dia ada training bola everyday, and aku ada training bola baling every tuesday, thursday and friday. soo, bole lahh lepak2 dgn dia ;)

the end.

i broke up wth faiz fr the past 3 days. it was hard for me. sbb, ktorg break up poon sbb benda bodoh. that, i'll keep it to myself. hm, tym break tkde lahh sedih gila babi smpi nak nanges. aku tahan air mata. i wouldnt let it drop. im a BIG ego. people told me so. the story started last night. i turn off all the light. and i keep the radio on, so i could listen to songs b4 i went to sleep. i was listening to and then, they played the broken string by James Morrison and Nelly Furtado. i listened and thn, my tears droped. i dunno for what reason. its PAIN. deep deep PAIN. oke,i admit it. I MISS HIM. eventho, there's not much memories between us. but, verythng about him yg buat aku nanges, and buat aku rindu. the smile, the laugh, the big hug, the voice, the way he walk, the cute faces. everything, it wasnt easy for me to forget every single thing about him. i dunno wethr he still love me or not, but, i do hoping , he still is. i kept telling his friend pasal my feeling. i jst couldnt do the day wthout him. i felt, EMPTY. and it wasnt smethng yang menyeronokkan. empty=pain. i kept thnkng about him, and i dun show dat to people. i jst want to keep it to myself. aku tanak tgk mcm im a major loser. aku tk pnh mcm neh b4. if aku dah break, i'll get over dlm masa bape minit je. and i wouldnt thnk bout him, still waiting and hoping. tp, faiz neh lain plak. aku tatau ape yang tak kena dgn aku. it doesnt seems rite. i hate this feeling.

p/s= faiz, i love you

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

bola baling -_-''

selepas skolah, i haf bola baling pny tarining. the running and throwing made me exhuasted. but, i dun mind. for my own fitness ;D byk ahh kau pny finess kan cha? hmm, ouh yeaaa, i kept dreaming about this guy. ive known him since i was in form 2. yeaa, sbb bola baling jugak. dah 4 hari weh aku mimpi dia, pelik pelik. tak bole lahh nak bgtau nama dia ahaa, terlampau umum nnt. lets just call him chicken ;) best kan nama thu? ehee. soo, i coulnt see him face, sbb nnt terbawak smpi mimpi -_-" kaka asek gelakkan aku je klu aku menggelabah stiap kali ternampak si chicken neh. haha. oke oke.

selasa (:

nothing much happened at schl tdy. except dat we're having our monthly test (peo busy stdying while me, busy aeting ;D ). td, paper science and b. it wasnt dat easy. bt, i can manage. and not to mention, my MR.M talked to me ;) we sat o the same table (tym ujian rehat sama2). eheh, he kept looking at me. bcs im laughing without stopping and loudly. ouhh, he's adorable! (x and then he came to me and said, "sorry ahh. tkde crdt", i smiled ( i couldnt picture my feeling) , he smiled and he walked away, throwing the trash into the dustbin. ouh yea, i caught him looking at me, and then he made cute faces. i felt lyk jumping high too sky! haa, best je (x smbg balik, after he walked away, he came back and sit in front of me, talkinf to ayie. dah lah duduk sbelah kembar siam dia, si hunky Hazwan (; aku dgn kaka pggl they both, and they looked at us wit the same expresion, BLURR. it soo cute and made us laugh. because, they both look VERY alike. except dat, wan hunky, MR.M plak comel (note; MR.M and Wan tkde relation ape2 poon). they both smiled and look away. haa, lucky kina, sb dapat wan. and bcs of dis, im startinf to like exams and tests. so dat can see m MR.M slalu ;) PATHETIC, but dun care. and guess what, fr the frst tym, i saw nazri jdk bengong. haha. dia button baju dia smpi atas, and thn pki spek besar. ktorg tny dia, "u pehal? tak sehat ke?" and he said, "tak lahh. nmpk mcm budak pandai tak?" lepas thu, aku terus gelak. whle kaka jawab, "no. nmpk mcm budak bangang lagi adalah". haha. dan satu lagi kejutan budaya. kaka ajar siham physics siot! ;D jgn buat main. country shock lagi lahh -_-'

Monday, February 23, 2009

ismail naufal (:

ismail naufal, lelaki neh bau datang ke dalam hidup STAR. hidup aku mor exact. dia neh, baru kenal, dh rapat dah. best dgn dia. dia nyanyi best ouhh. mcm yang aku cter tadi. aku sayangg dia ;D yeye jee echa neh ;p ptg td, klu dgn dia dgn abi ke jbt. best, tp, lagi best klu abi tkde. sbb, abi nehh, mcm gatal j ): terpgg2. tak suka ouhh. da mcm tak pandai respect orang. tak suka, tak suka. td, dorg naik satu kereta dgn aku. asma drive. asma poon suka dkt mail. badak ckp mail cumel jee. hehe.dia mmg cumel poon, kaka poon cakap. tak boleh nak deny. suara dia mmg khusyukk ouhh. dia nak masuk team nasyid sekolah ktorg. mmg dialu alukan. hehe. ktorg duet partner, haha ;D slalu nyanyi lagu 'terima kasih cinta' dgn dia. aku suka, aku suka.

orang orang (:

these guys are my STRONGEST drugs (:

ini adalah lelaki2 yang menjadi pujaan hatii ;) omgg, they're HOT. sizzling HOT! i culdnt breath. lake off oxygen. help help! haha. mereka sgt dipuja kerana kekacakan mereka yang membuatkan gadis2 di dunia ini menjerit dan histeria setiap kali mereka menunjukkan muka mereka pada muka las. hehe, ape aku merepek poon aku tatau :D

isnin ;)

hari isnin akan menjadi hari fav saya mulai saat ini ;) saya sangat menyukai kerana, sblm saya ke library, my MR.M akan ada di library. soo, kami akan terserempak antara satu sama lain. dia mcm best tau! (x hee. my MR.M sgt adorable, dgn muka cume dia lagi. hehe. td, dia ada jugak padang2 aku. hehe. ouh iyee. hari neh, saya dan kaka menjadi gila di dalam ke kelas.kami ketawa sehingga tak boleh berdiri. haha ;D tatau lah ketawa sebab ape kan? mcm tak bole bla tau. terpaksa menahan tangan di meja supaya saya tidak jatuh bergolek dkt lantai kelas lps thu, aku, kimy dan kaka main baling2 botol air dkt dinding kelas. lps thu, kaka pukul2 buku dekat atas meja dgn bengang nya. sume budak kelas diam dorg nmpk cuak jee. and MZFM poon kelihatan sgtlahh cuak ;D aku dan ayie terpaksa menhan gelak lepas thu, ktorg klua kelas awal sbb, ckgu akaun tk masuk. thnk god. hmm, lps thu, aku pg jbt dgn mail dan abi. mail mail! ;) my new besfriend. eheh, best plak dgn budak kurus thu. dia punya lah takut klu jalan dgn aku. takut aku pukul. dia ckp, aku pukul mcm laki. haha. gelak gelak ;D dia neh, klu nyanyi best jeee. lagi2 lagu 'terima kasih cinta'. klu dia nyanyi, aku diamm je. bak kata kaka, echa tamak. sume dia nakk MR.M lahh, ayie, dgn MAil. haha, mana aci kaka. aku pon nak gatal2. hehe. sejak da jadik MACAM single neh kann ;) lepas nehh, single betul2. baru syokk (:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

mif mif (;

eh eh, nak cter pasal this MR.M. i like him (: he's 1 year younger than me. but, i dun care ;) he's sooo cute and adorable. i confessed dkt dia, dat i like him. and my Ayie told me something's that made me jump up and down (x this is soo cool. ahaha. dia layan aku baik jugak ;) kadang2 ktorg text. hehe. my MR.M ada crush dekat this girl, but i dun CARE. hehe. dorg tak couple poon ;D soo, stll ada chances. lagi2 apa yang ayoe dah bgtau aku. heee, hari thu tym merentas desa, comel je dia buat muka. tak tahan wehh ;D

im in heaven,in the middle of hell

faiz is making me crazy. i coudnt stnd it anymore. dia cakap, dia dah bosan sb dah lama tak jpe aku. soo, dia dah tak semangat. haa, aku dah naik gila dah neh. dia mcm tak boleh nakfaham aku plak kan? dia minx break dgn aku dah 2 kali dah. tapi, ttba tanak plak. aku poon layan je lahh. aku sedih ouhh, tapi, aku tk pedulik. aku nak single lepas neh. i want to feel the emptiness. let me feel. tp,mcm sengsara je kan?